Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Man- I am Feeling OLD!!!

I think I have finally had one of those moments. Moments that make me look at myself and say, "MAN I AM GETTING OLD!!" Two recent incidents this holiday season have made me realize this. Let me share...

1. I was at the Christmas Eve service at church. I saw an old student from when I taught in Ponder. He was wearing a MILITARY UNIFORM!!! After talking with him, I learned that he had been in the Armed forces for about 6 months. How is it possible that I have a student that I use to teach, already graduated, and serving in the military?????!!! I was so proud of him, but felt REALLY OLD!!

2. My neice - my sister's first child - the first neice/nephew that I had come into this world is getting MARRIED!!!! Is that possible?? Just the other day I was sitting in her mother's kitchen and we were designing and making twinkie shirts (something we use to do every summer). NOW she is engaged!!! I am so proud of you, honey, but it has definitely made me feel my age!!

So, once again I have come to this frightening conclusion. There is nothing I can do-no watch to set back. I just have to learn to go with the flow and enjoy this journey we call life!!! (Actually - now that I am done typing this I am quite tired. It is only 8:00 p.m. Is that a sign of old age if I were to go to bed this early??? I can't win, can I ????

Dieting Again!!!

So, Joel and I have decided to try the South Beach diet again. It worked really well for both of us several years ago (before having two MORE children and multiple surgeries!) We are determined to lose weight for all of the weddings coming up this summer. Of course, it is only day 3 and I have already cheated - cheated I tell you! I was doing really well until I went to school and had students come in and out of my class. Something about being around my students makes me eat. Why is that exactly?!?! Could it be STRESS?!?! On top of that, I have a field trip that I am taking my GT students to in a couple of days. We are going to Outback Steakhouse ( yes - it is an EDUCATIONAL trip!) They feed us FREE lunch ...let me say that again....FREE lunch!!!! So I have already decided that I WILL BE EATING - who turns down Outback Steakhouse when it is free??! Diet or no diet!!! So my plan is to be really good until then, and be really good after. Hopefully that doesn't qualify as cheating...or does it!?